Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Doctor's Intro

Hello Everybody!
It's me, the doctor! Formerly known as "Aaron'' But seeing as this is blooming american, I've decided to fly around time, Fighting baddies like the daleks and the master. And goin to barcelona! Now thats just peachy, isn't it?
Anyways........ I've joined this blog to gather info on the weeping angels- they're in the area. So keep a lookout!

And remeber, keep calm, don't panic, and don't blink.

p.s. always bring a banana to a party!
and dont blink.


  1. Banana, huh? Interesting... I always bring a survival kit. ;)

    Aaron should know, shouldn't he?

  2. It's a Doctor Who reference, you wouldn't get it.

    1. Wait, you were talking to me? Oh, ho HO! Wouldn't get it, hm? I am a proud Whovian. I am also proud to say that I spotted and approached two other fans.

      I didn't reply sooner because you didn't click reply. There is a button next to 'Delete' and if you press THAT, it send the comment to the person so they can reply back. :)

  3. Hello fellow time lord,
    My name is Thalia and I am also from Gallifrey.
    But in the human world i go by "Celina"
    I hope to make contact, and if you need help with
    the angels, give me a call
